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aap Implantate AG

ots Ad hoc-Service: aap Implantate AG <DE0005066609> aap increases turnover
Result burdened by development and marketing costs

Berlin (ots Ad hoc-Service) -

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In the first half of 2000, aap Implantate increased turnover by
roughly 30 % to approx. DM 6.72 million (previous year: DM 5.15
million). Export growth could be more than doubled and presents
approximately 34 % of group turnover. Turnover on the Asian Market
increased by 163 %. On the African market - due to the materializing
of postponed tender-related export orders - turnover rose by 160 %.
Domestic growth was in double digits too (Germany: approx. 11%).
Group results for the period under review improved to minus DM 544
thousands as against minus DM 857 thousands. Group result according
to DVFA/SG was minus DM 544 thousands (previous year: DM 274
thousands). Cash earnings according to DVFA/SG totaled DM 172
thousands (previous year: DM 758 thousands). The balance sheet total,
at DM 35.9 million, was unchanged on the year. The DVFA/SG result per
share is minus DM 0.14 (previous year: DM 0.07).
The result of ordinary business was down to minus DM 974 thousands
from DM 651 thousands in the first half of 1999. This was due first
to the strong focus on upcoming product launches: the new Trauma
Shoulder and the Biorigid Femur System. That led to an extraordinary,
time-limited tying-up of development and, above all, production
capacity. Costs totaling over DM 500 thousands resulted during the
review period and were included in the half-year's figures as current
expenditure, thus reducing earnings. Second, the result reflects a
sharp increase in marketing and sales expenditure. The board expects
this substantial advance outlay and the contribution, in turnover and
profit, of HJS Gelenksysteme's development contract, totaling nearly
DM 6 million, to be reflected in a marked improvement in third- and
fourth quarter results.
If you have any queries, please contact:
aap Implantate AG Bruke Seyoum Alemu Member of the Board of
Management Finance and Information Technology Lorenzweg 5 12099
Berlin Germany
Tel: +49 (0)30 / 750 19-170 Fax: +49 (0)30 / 750 19-111

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