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Hypoport AG

EANS-News: Hypoport AG
More than EUR21 billion generated on EUROPACE

  Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
  responsible for the content of this announcement.
Company Information/Volume of transactions in 2011

Subtitle: Year-on-year growth of 40.2 per cent; strongest year to date for the
B2B financial marketplace

Berlin (euro adhoc) - 16 January 2012: EUROPACE, the online B2B financial
marketplace, significantly expanded its volume of transactions in 2011.
Transactions worth an aggregate EUR21.17 billion were generated on this platform
between January and December of last year (2010: EUR15.1 billion), which
represented a year-on-year increase of 40.2 per cent.

This transaction volume in excess of EUR21 billion made 2011 the strongest year
to date for EUROPACE. Despite the Christmas holiday period the fourth quarter of
last year was also the most successful in EUROPACE´s history, generating
transactions worth around EUR6.3 billion. Previously, the volume of transactions
generated on the platform in the third quarter of 2011 had reached EUR6.2
billion, topping the EUR6 billion mark for the first time. 

Building finance products make valuable contribution to impressive performance
EUROPACE is steadily growing its market share of German mortgage finance
transactions. Thilo Wiegand, the chief executive officer (CEO) of Europace AG,
believes there are several reasons for this trend. "The continual
diversification of the product range available on the EUROPACE platform is a key
driver of this success. Our strategic decision to scale up the offering of
building finance products on the platform has proved to be correct. These
products now account for a significant proportion of our total transaction
volume. In addition, yet more financial product distributors and suppliers
realised in 2011 that it is worthwhile using EUROPACE to sell financial
products." Together with its sister platforms - GENOPACE for cooperative banks
and FINMAS for savings banks - EUROPACE had raised the number of its product
distribution and supply partners to 165 by the end of 2011. Thilo Wiegand added:
"The crisis around the euro zone´s sovereign debt and currency boosted demand
for real estate as an investment last year. This further fuelled the impressive
growth in EUROPACE´s transaction volumes."

About Hypoport AG
As both an independent vendor of financial products and operator of a B2B
financial marketplace, Hypoport is successfully active in two segments that
mutually complement each other. Hypoport always offers the simplest means of
accessing the best financial services on offer. As a wholly-owned subsidiary of
Hypoport, Europace AG develops and operates the web-based EUROPACE financial
marketplace, which is Germany´s largest platform for mortgages, property
acquisition-related savings schemes and personal loans. A fully integrated
system brings together more than 160 partners from the fields of banking,
insurance and financial service vendors. Several thousand users process some ten
thousand financing transactions with a total volume of as much as 2 billion
Euros on EUROPACE each month. Dr. Klein & Co. AG, a subsidiary of Hypoport, is
an internet-based and independent vendor of financial services. The experts at
Dr. Klein provide comprehensive advice on mortgage financing, insurance products
and financial investments to private clients. Dr. Klein & Co. AG has been a
preferred partner for the provision of financial services to the residential
property industry, municipal clients and commercial real estate investors since
1954. The registered office of Hypoport AG is Berlin. The company employs some
500 people and is listed in the Prime Standard on Deutsche Börse, the German
stock exchange.

Further inquiry note:
Michaela Reimann
Group Communications Manager
Tel.: +49 (30) 42086 - 1936

end of announcement                               euro adhoc 

company:     Hypoport AG
             Klosterstraße 71
             D-10179 Berlin
phone:       +49(0)30 42086-0
FAX:         +49(0)30 42086-1999
sector:      Financial & Business Services
ISIN:        DE0005493365
indexes:     CDAX, Prime All Share
stockmarkets: regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt 
language:   English

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