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Next generation ready for future without fossil fuels
Learning about EV charging stations begins on the playground

Amsterdam (ots)

Chances are that today's children will never experience driving a car that runs on fossil fuels. To prepare them, students from two Dutch primary schools are already learning on the playground how to charge their future electric cars. The students are learning how electric vehicle charging works exactly while playing with a modified EVBox charging station.

For this purpose, EVBox stripped and modified some of its known public chargers (as seen on the streets of e.g. Amsterdam and Rotterdam) to make it suitable and safe for kids to play with.

Kristof Vereenooghe, CEO EVBox: "It's amazing to see how these schools are preparing their students. Sustainable living should be the main topic of our age, because we simply cannot continue using our planet and its resources the way we have. For many adults, driving electric is still something to get used to, but it doesn't have to be that way with the kids. I hope that at one point they will be the ones that will look back on this time with amazement that we actually used fossil fuels to power our cars."

Full article here:

About EVBox

EVBox is the leading global manufacturer of electric vehicle charging stations and charging management software. With an installed base of 50,000 charging points across more than 980 cities and 30 countries worldwide, EVBox drives sustainable mobility, by bringing durable electric vehicle charging solutions to the world. EVBox has offices in Amsterdam, Antwerp, Copenhagen, London, Madrid, Munich, Paris, New York and Los Angeles. Since March 2017, EVBox is a part of ENGIE.

EVBox is present at Power2Drive (June 20-22) at stand C1.639.


Job Karstens
PR Manager EVBox

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