Messe Erfurt

In future, standards and certifications will be decisive for the market viability of additive manufacturing

07.05.2019 – 09:40

Users, legal representatives, insurers, testing experts and researchers will discuss directives for additive manufacturing in the new Standardization & EHS forum

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In future, standards and certifications will be decisive for the market viability of additive manufacturing

Users, legal representatives, insurers, testing experts and researchers will discuss directives for additive manufacturing in the new Standardization & EHS forum

(Erfurt, 07 May 2019). The more a technology moves from a niche existence to widespread application, the more important are the regulations for its use. "Additive manufacturing has reached the point where it is leaving behind its purely prototype status and making inroads into industry. Norms and standards are therefore becoming decisive factors in its market viability. For this reason, we in the advisory board have decided to give the topic its own platform on the Rapid.Tech + FabCon 3.D programme," explains Michael Kynast, CEO of Messe Erfurt GmbH. The first Standardization & EHS forum will take place on 27 June 2019, the third and final day of the event.

In planning the forum, Messe Erfurt has a proven expert in the topic on its side in the form of Dr Christian Seidel. For a number of years, the Head of Additive Manufacturing at the Fraunhofer Research Institution for Casting, Composite and Processing Technology (IGCV), which has sites in Augsburg and Munich, has been working in various committees for the design of additive processes, including as the head of the VDI specialist committee on the safe operation of additive manufacturing processes. For Dr Seidel, occupational safety is one of a number of factors that demonstrate the need for a standardised approach to additive manufacturing. "Standards generally make it easier to collaborate within companies and along the supply chain. Proving compliance with standards by means of certified processes helps with quality assurance. And norms and directives help small and medium-sized companies in particular to use additive processes on a secure foundation, and this foundation is important for stable customer-supplier relationships in general. In the forum, we will explore the still-new area of standardisation and occupational safety from the perspectives of the various parties involved, thereby encouraging discussion between users, legal representatives, insurers, testing experts and researchers."

In his talk, Klaus Brisch from the Cologne office of law firm DWF Germany will discuss the legal significance of technical norms, while Philip Schmidt and Tobias Kolb from Robert Bosch GmbH will explore the topic of occupational safety in laser-beam melting from a user's perspective. Approval procedures for 3D-printed components, such as for replacement parts for rail vehicles, will be covered by Arvid Eirich from Mobility goes Additive e. V. Berlin. Björn Hansen of TÜV Süd in Munich will explore how additive manufacturing systems can be certified and thereby ensure greater safety in all processes for both the providers and the users of AM machinery. In her talk, Dr Renate Beisser of the Institute for Occupational Safety at German Social Accident Insurance Berlin will focus on the topic of hazardous emissions from 3D printers, and report on a project that has investigated possible health risks for employees involved in additive manufacturing processes. The Professorship of Manufacturing and Remanufacturing Technology at the University of Bayreuth has developed a practical approach to ensuring the safety of the laser-beam melting process with metal powders within the scope of the VDI 3405 standard. Their specific recommendations will be presented by Christian Bay, one of the scientists working in the group.

The Standardization & EHS forum is one of three new events on this year's conference programme for Rapid.Tech + FabCon 3.D. Plastics and Software & Processes are also appearing on the agenda for the first time. More than 100 lectures in a total of 14 subject- and sector-specific forums will present the latest developments, trends and findings relating to additive technologies and applications in theory and practice. Alongside these new additions, the programme will also feature the established Automotive Industry; Medical, Dental & Orthopaedic Technology; Aviation; Contract Additive Manufacturing; 3D Printed Electronics & Functions; Design; Tool, Mould & Jig Construction; Metal; and Law forums, a session by the Fraunhofer Additive Manufacturing Alliance and the two-day AM Science forum. The 3D Printing Conference and the redesigned presentation spaces and networking opportunities at the exhibition will also help attendees to share their knowledge and experiences and to build and maintain their networks.

For their 16th edition, to be held from 25 to 27 June 2019, Rapid.Tech + FabCon 3.D are yet again expecting over 200 exhibitors from Germany and abroad, as well as more than 5,000 international trade visitors and conference delegates.

Further information:

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Anne Apel
Referentin Marketing & Kommunikation 
Messe Erfurt GmbH
Gothaer Straße 34
99094 Erfurt

Tel.: +49 361 400-1530
Fax: +49 361 400-1111

Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Staatssekretärin Valentina Kerst
Geschäftsführer: Michael Kynast 
Amtsgericht Jena HRB 504079
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