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Wolford Aktiengesellschaft

EANS-News: Wolford Aktiengesellschaft
Announcement pursuant to Section 7 Para. 2 and 4 Austrian Publication Ordinance 2002

  Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
  responsible for the content of this announcement.

Stock Activity/LTI Program

Announcement pursuant to Section 7 Para. 2 and 4 Austrian Publication Ordinance
                              2002 ("VeröffentlV")


Announcement within the context of the transaction relating to the sale of own
          (treasury) shares pursuant to Section 7 Para. 2 VeröffentlV

Management Board Team Makes Long-Term Investment in Wolford Shares
Vienna, Bregenz, January 26, 2016. Wolford AG, which is listed on the Vienna
Stock Exchange, sold a total of 11,860 of its own ordinary bearer shares on
January 22, 2016 at a selling price of EUR 21.08 per share within the context of
its Long Term Incentive Program for the members of the Management Board. These
shares were acquired by Ashish Sensarma, CEO, and Axel Dreher, COO/CFO, on
January 22, 2016, and will be held until April 30, 2018 in accordance with the
stipulated retention period. Accordingly, Wolford still has a total of 88,140
own (treasury) shares in its possession. Further sales of own shares within the
context of the intended sale of own shares as stipulated in the announcement
made by Wolford Aktiengesellschaft on January 18, 2016 pursuant to Section 5
VeröffentlV will not take place. The total value of the shares which were sold
amounted to EUR 250,000. The purchase and sale of the shares took place over-
In order to create an additional incentive for the Members of the Management
Board to sustainably contribute to the success of the Wolford Group on the basis
of their performance, the company has granted the members of the Management
Board a long term bonus (i.e. long term incentive) for the 2015/16, 2016/17 and
2017/18 financial years in the form of stock appreciation rights. In this way,
the total remuneration of the Management Board team will be closely tied to the
earnings and share price development of the company.
Within the context of this Long Term Incentive Program, both members of the
Management Board have now made substantial own investments in shares of Wolford
AG, acquiring a total of 11,860 shares in the company. The weighted average
value of the share amounts to EUR 21.08 per share. In order to underline the
close ties to the Wolford Group and the long term nature of these investments,
the Management Board team is also committed to holding these shares at least
until and including April 30, 2018. The purchase price, determined in line with
the Report of the Supervisory Board to the Annual General Meeting held on
September 17, 2015, corresponded to the average share price during the period
December 10, 2014 to April 30, 2015.
In accordance with the objectives of the Long Term Incentive Program, the
Management Board of the Wolford Group is committed to a sustainably oriented
corporate development. With this in mind, the Management Board team resolutely
continued the transformation process at Wolford over the past months,
implementing the core restructuring measures and thus creating a good basis for
sustainably profitable growth of the Wolford Group in the coming years. 
Announcement on the sale of own (treasury) shares- Wolford Aktiengesellschaft
fulfills any disclosure requirements pursuant to the Austrian Stock Exchange Act
(BörseG) and the Austrian Publication Regulation 2002 (VeröffentlV) - inasmuch
as this is legally permissible - by publishing relevant information which is
publicly accessible on a Website on the Internet, namely its own Website (http:/
Announcement pursuant to Section 7 Para. 4 Austrian Publication Regulation 2002
(VeröffentlV)- In light of the fact that no further sales of own shares will
take place within the context of the intended sale of own Wolford shares
announced on January 18, 2016, the announcement made above also fulfils the
disclosure requirements stipulated in Section 7 Para. 4 Austrian Publication
Regulation 2002. 
Value of the shares sold (Section 7 Para. 2 (4) VeröffentlV) - EUR 250,000-
(11,860 shares multiplied by EUR 21.08 per share).

Further inquiry note:
Wolford AG
Maresa Hoffmann
Referentin Investor Relations & Corporate Communications
Tel.: +43 5574 690 1258 |

end of announcement                               euro adhoc 

company:     Wolford Aktiengesellschaft
             Wolfordstrasse 1
             A-6900 Bregenz
phone:       +43 (0) 5574 690-1268
FAX:         +43 (0) 5574 690-1219
sector:      Textiles & Clothing
ISIN:        AT0000834007
indexes:     ATX Prime, ATX Global Players
stockmarkets: free trade: Frankfurt, regulated dealing: Wien, ADR: New York 
language:   English

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