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Rosenbauer International AG

euro adhoc: Rosenbauer International AG
Financial Figures/Balance Sheet
• First half of 2005 progressed satisfactorily • Notable results in Austria and the USA • Slight increase in Group revenues for 2005 expected (2004: 299.4 m EUR) • EBT 2005 simil

  Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc.
  The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.
The first half of 2005 progressed satisfactorily for the ROSENBAUER
Group. The main elements in this positive situation were provided by
the implementation of large-scale orders from Australia, Eastern
Europe and the USA, the high use of production capacity in Austria
and the USA and notable success at the INTERSCHUTZ fire brigade trade
KEY FIGURES                                      1-6/2005 1-6/2004
Revenue                                 in m EUR 147.1    140.0
EBIT                                    in m EUR 6.1      4.7
EBT                                     in m EUR 4.7      3.4
Profit after tax                        in m EUR 3.4      2.3
Consolidated profit                     in m EUR 1.3      0.7
Net cash flow from operating activities in m EUR (24.1)   (20.6)
Investments                             in m EUR 2.3      2.4
Order backlog as at June 30             in m EUR 200.0    199.5
Order intake                            in m EUR 152.4    158.0
Employees                                        1,399    1,345
Market capitalisation as at June 30     in m EUR 102.0    80.8
Another important focal point of the current year is comprised by the
expansion of the ROSENBAUER YongQiang joint venture in the province
of Guangdong, PR China. The production facilities were completed in
May 2005 and with its own local production centre, ROSENBAUER now has
a location advantage in the growing Chinese market. The first
vehicles manufactured in China will be delivered during this year.
The present situation in Germany, Europe’s largest single market, had
a negative effect on the company development. The stagnation in the
turntable ladder segment, which has continued for a number of years,
resulted in an underuse of capacity.
Therefore, in the first half-year 2005, ROSENBAUER introduced
short-time working at the Metz Aerials turntable ladder plant in
Karlsruhe and initiated a programme for an adjustment in production
capacity and a reorganisation of the administrative sector. The
deteriorating order situation led to a reduction in deliveries during
the first six months of the year, which had an unfavourable influence
on the operating result.
REVENUE AND RESULTS TRENDS During the first half of 2005, ROSENBAUER
Group revenues increased to 147.1 m EUR (1-6/2004: 140.0 m EUR).
Sales of the Austrian companies remained roughly on a par with those
of the preceding year at 80.3 m EUR (1-6/2004: 82.5 m EUR), however,
the US segment showed a rise of 42%. This can be traced to additional
deliveries within the framework of the US Army order for a total of
170 vehicles.
The operating result (EBIT) amounted to 6.1 m EUR, which was up on
the 4.7 m EUR of the comparable period of the previous year. Above
all, this improved result derived from the Austrian and US companies.
In the period under review, the EBT rose in an analogous manner from
3.4 m EUR to 4.7 m EUR.
ORDERS In the first half of 2005, Group order intake was on the scale
of the preceding year, amounting to 152.4 m EUR (1-6/2004: 158.0 m
EUR). Order backlog at June 30, 2005, totalled 200.0 m EUR and was
also at the level of the previous year (June 30, 2004: 199.5 m EUR).
This backlog secures good use of capacity at the most important
production centres.
OUTLOOK On the basis of the positive order situation and taking into
account the expenses required for the restructuring of Metz Aerials
in Karlsruhe, the management assumes that following a slight increase
in Group revenues (2004: 299.4 m EUR), last year’s EBT (2004: 10.5 m
EUR) can be emulated.
end of announcement                               euro adhoc 26.08.2005 07:30:00

Further inquiry note:

Gerda Königstorfer, Investor Relations
Phone: +43 732 6794-568
Mobile: +43 664 4547636

Branche: Machine Manufacturing
ISIN: AT0000922554
WKN: 092255
Index: WBI, ATX Prime
Börsen: Berliner Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Baden-Württembergische Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Wiener Börse AG / official dealing

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