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Einhell Germany AG

Einhell Delphi study – More and more women discovering DIY for themselves

Einhell Delphi study – More and more women  discovering DIY for themselves
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Can she fix it? Yes, she can! “In 2030 men and women took an equal share of DIY activities in Germany” – that’s the conclusion reached by the majority of experts questioned for the Einhell Delphi study entitled “The 2030 Home”. This societal change was being supported by the progress in battery technology, which is making tools lighter and easier to use. Another factor was that traditional access barriers such as the necessary know-how are falling away. An example of this are the countless tutorials for every conceivable home improvement project that are freely available on the internet. Or the rising number of female influencers whose DIY tips are primarily aimed at women. In the future, therefore, women will increasingly take on even those jobs that had previously been dominated by men.

“Comprehensive perspective on the issue”

Landau a. d. Isar, January 19th, 2022 – On behalf of Einhell, the WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management had asked 60 proven experts what the home would be like in 2030. In contrast to questionnaire-based studies, the respondents in this Delphi study discussed pre-formulated forward projections and predicted the likelihood of their occurrence.

“It was important for the results of the study to find experts from many different sectors and social classes in order to obtain as comprehensive a perspective on the issue as possible,” explains study leader Professor Dr. Sascha L. Schmidt, head of the Center for Sports and Management at the WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management.

The battery as a better alternative to petrol or cable drums

The progress of battery technology is making tools lighter and easier to use. This is leading the experts to anticipate with a likelihood of 58 percent that, by as early as 2030, people in Germany will be using only motorized equipment that is powered by a battery in their homes and gardens. This systemic shift away from petrol or cable drums to batteries will also lower inhibitions about taking on home improvement projects – which will only serve to reinforce the trend of more and more women picking up drills and power saws.

More time at home, more working from home, more do-it-yourself

Many experts forecast that people in Germany will be spending more than 75 of their time at home in 2030, with one in two workers actually working entirely from home. That means the home as a place in which to live and work will become ever more important. “The latest trends in the mobile working sector suggest that in the future people will definitely be spending more time at home,” said an expert in the Einhell Delphi “The Home in 2030” study. That in turn heightens the need to organize and equip the home appropriately. In 2030, the majority of experts reckon, DIY will thus become one of the most popular leisure activities in Germany – sparked not least by the increasing shortage of up-and-coming craftsmen, which is leaving many people with little option other than to tackle at least smaller projects themselves. The number of single households is also continuing to rise. For this reason too, in the future it will increasingly be a case of can she fix it? Yes, she can!

About Einhell Germany AG

Einhell is a leading manufacturer of state-of-the-art tools and equipment for the house and garden. From its headquarters in Landau/Isar (Bavaria), the internationally successful company has continuously expanded its innovative rechargeable battery platform Power X-Change and is now the market leader in the area of cordless tools and garden equipment. For many years Einhell has set new standards in terms of endurance, performance, and safety. Einhell customers appreciate the freedom of cordless operation for all their DIY projects, as well as the excellent value for money that Einhell products represent and the first-class customer service offered by the company.

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