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Fielmann AG

EANS-Adhoc: Fielmann improved unit sales, sales revenue and profit Fielmann increased dividend to EUR 2.70 per share Start of 2013 gives grounds for optimism

  ad-hoc disclosure pursuant to section 15 of the WpHG transmitted by euro
  adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution. The issuer is solely
  responsible for the content of this announcement.
Earnings Forecast/Preliminary figures for the 2012 financial year

Expectations for the 2012 financial year have been met. With its customer
friendly service, glasses at reasonable prices and comprehensive guarantees,
Fielmann was able to expand its market share in the last reporting year. 

While the remaining optical sector in Germany expects a unit sales decline of
-1%, Fielmann registered a 4.9% rise, increasing its unit sales to 7.1 million
pairs of glasses in the reporting period (previous year: 6.7 million). External
sales incl. VAT rose by EUR 60 million to EUR 1.29 billion (previous year: EUR
1. 23 billion) and consolidated sales grew to EUR 1.11 billion (previous year:
EUR 1.05 million). The pre-tax result is estimated to amount to more than EUR
180 million (previous year: EUR 172.9 million) and the annual net profit to more
than EUR 129 million (previous year: EUR 125.0 million). Fielmann had 671
branches at the end of the reporting period (previous year: 663).

Fielmann will be continuing its shareholder-friendly dividend payout policy. As
a result of the company's good development and available liquidity, the
Supervisory Board and Management Board recommendation for the Annual General
Meeting on 11 July 2013 is to pay a dividend of EUR 2.70 per share for the 2012
financial year (previous year: EUR 2.50). 

One reason for the company's success is its competent and dedicated staff.
Fielmann is the largest employer and trainer in the German optical industry and
employed 15,494 members of staff at year-end (previous year: 14, 871), of whom
2,779 were trainees (previous year: 2,738). In 2013, Fielmann will also be
creating about 900 new trainee positions. 

Fielmann is confident that it will expand its market share further. The first
weeks of the current year give good reason to be optimistic. 

Hamburg, February 2013

Fielmann Aktiengesellschaft
The Management Board

Further inquiry note:
Ulrich Brockmann 
Head of Finance 
Telefon: +49(0)40 27076-442 

end of announcement                               euro adhoc 

issuer:      Fielmann AG
             Weidestraße 118a
             D-22083 Hamburg
phone:       +49(0)40-270 76-0
FAX:         +49(0)40-270 76-399
sector:      Retail
ISIN:        DE0005772206
indexes:     MDAX, CDAX, Classic All Share, Prime All Share
stockmarkets: free trade: Stuttgart, regulated dealing: Hannover, Berlin,
             München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, regulated dealing/prime standard:
language:   English

Original content of: Fielmann AG, transmitted by news aktuell

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