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Lenzing AG

euro adhoc: Lenzing AG
quarterly or semiannual financial statement
Lenzing continues success into third quarter

  Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible
  for the content of this announcement.
9-month report
Positive economic environment for the fiber industry - strong Asian 
demand for Lenzing fibers - expansion continues with acquisitions in 
Segment Plastics
The Lenzing Group continues its success in the first two quarters 
into the third quarter of 2007 and is heading for a new annual record
result. Consolidated sales for the first nine months of 2007 rose by 
18.7% to EUR 966.2 mill. (2006: EUR 814.1 mill.). This increase is 
due to the strong growth in core business fibers and the inclusion of
the new companies acquired by Business Unit Plastics in 2007.
The nine-month EBIT of 2007 increased by 41.6% to EUR 113.4 mill., a 
record result already exceeding the EBIT of EUR 107.1 mill. for all 
of 2006, a very good business year in itself. Period net income 
increased by 54.1% to EUR 80.6 mill. (2006: EUR 52.3 mill.).
"We benefit from the continuing boom in the global fiber industry, as
well as from the fact that the strong organic growth of our core 
business fibers has laid the foundation for making optimum use of 
this boom." is how Thomas Fahnemann, chairman of the Lenzing 
management board, describes the current development. "Moreover, the 
decision to develop Lenzing Plastics as another platform for growth 
is the first step towards widening our business base and covering 
attractive niche areas."
The nine-month EBIT margin for 2007 was 11.7% (2006: 9.8%) and the 
EBITDA margin 16.7% (2006: 15.6%). The third-quarter EBIT and EBITDA 
margins reached record highs of 13.5% and 18.0%, respectively.
As at 30 September 2007 the Lenzing Group employed a staff of 5,919 
(31 December 2006: 5,044). The increase is a result of the start of 
operations at the new viscose fiber production plant in Nanjing and 
the acquisitions by Business Unit Plastics.
Asian boom creates strong demand in Segment Fibers
The business development of the first nine months was dominated by 
continuing strong demand from Asia . Prices for pulp and chemicals 
reached historic highs which were passed on to the market through 
price increases. Fiber production is running at full capacity at all 
sites with stock at lowest levels.
The new fiber plant in Nanjing was inaugurated in September, after 
six months of trial runs were successfully concluded resulting in 
excellent fiber quality. The additional capacity of the new plant is 
urgently required to meet market demands.
Plastics also developed well, even with the raw material price for 
thermoplastics at a new high. The development of Business Unit 
Engineering continued to be positive with good order bookings. 
Segment Paper managed to achieve good sales as well as price 
increases in individual sectors at high production levels.
The current positive development is expected to continue throughout 
the fourth quarter due to general global economic conditions and 
strong Asian demand in core business fibers. Lenzing counters the 
weakening of the US dollar against the euro by continuous expansion 
of capacity close to the dollar zone and by the use of hedging 
instruments. High energy and raw material prices will continue to 
exert their pressure.
Lenzing will continue its expansion in the fourth quarter as well, 
provided the general economic situation will remain good. New records
are expected for our 2007 sales and earnings which will be 
significantly higher than those of the previous year.
|Key Group figures (IFRS) in EUR mill.       |1-9/   |1-9/  |
|                                            |2007   |2006  |
|Consolidated sales                          |966.2  |814.1 |
|EBITDA                                      |161.8  |127.1 |
|EBIT                                        |113.4  |80.1  |
|EBT                                         |105.5  |72.2  |
|Net income                                  |80.6   |52.3  |
|Gross cash flow                             |132.9  |119.0 |
|Capital expenditure for intangibles,        |105.6  |60.5  |
|property, plant and equipment               |       |      |
|                                            |30/9/  |31/12/|
|                                            |2007   |      |
|                                            |       |2006  |
|Equity                                      |532.6  |516.0 |
|Staff                                       |5,919  |5,044 |
end of announcement                               euro adhoc 08.11.2007 09:33:19

Further inquiry note:

Lenzing AG
Mag. Angelika Guldt
Tel.: +43 (0) 7672-701-2713
Fax: +43 (0) 07672-96301

Branche: Chemicals
ISIN: AT0000644505
WKN: 852927
Index: WBI
Börsen: Börse Berlin / free trade
Wiener Börse AG / official dealing

Original content of: Lenzing AG, transmitted by news aktuell

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