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Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology AG

EANS-News: Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology AG
60 years of vacuum competence at adixen

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Subtitle: - French engineering sets standards in the vacuum industry
- More than 600 employees develop and manufacture high-tech products in France
- adixen’s history is dominated by technological leadership and innovation

Annecy, France (euro adhoc) - September 21, 2012. French engineering in the
field of vacuum started its successful history at Alcatel 60 years ago in 1952.
Since then, the company - today under the name of adixen Vacuum Products - has
been setting standards in the vacuum industry by developing and manufacturing
innovative vacuum pumps and devices particularly for the semiconductor industry.
In addition, the instrumentation, analytical, research & development and
automotive industries as well as microsystem technology benefit from the
experience of the company's seasoned management team and qualified people. Today
- now as part of the Pfeiffer Vacuum Group - more than 600 employees in Annecy
produce and market turbopumps, backing pumps, leak detectors and decontamination
systems with industry leading technology. On this occasion, adixen will hold a
reception on September 21, 2012 with official guests. The next day, the company
will open its doors for the employees and their families.

Annecy enjoys a high reputation as a center of expertise in the field of fine
mechanics. Therefore, in 1952 the company Société Alsacienne de Constructions
Mécaniques (SACM, later known as ALCATEL) established a precision engineering
branch there which was later known as adixen. After only one year of operation,
this plant already employed about 400 people. The main customer then was the
French Navy. In order to further diversify its customer base, the management at
adixen decided, with great foresight, at this early stage to use its expertise
in precision mechanics as well as high grade electronics and to specialize in
vacuum solutions and instruments.

At the end of 2010, Pfeiffer Vacuum - the German inventor of the turbopump -
acquired adixen and its worldwide branches. The combination of adixen and
Pfeiffer Vacuum, two leaders in pumping solutions and leak detection systems,
created a powerful force in the industry as the product portfolios are
complementary. By joining forces, these two companies entered an entirely new
dimension. With an exciting product portfolio that makes for a good mutual fit,
both companies turned into the sole provider of complete vacuum solutions
including chambers and control software.

adixen possesses a rich history of technological leadership and innovation:

    - The first milestone for the company was the production of an improved
      version of rotary vane vacuum pumps with a belt drive motor in 1961. Users
      of vacuum technology were growing in number at that time and, as a
      consequence, the redevelopment of the site in Annecy was initiated.
      Boosted by its early successes in France, the company opened a commercial
      subsidiary in Wertheim (Germany) in 1964.
    - Also in 1964, adixen - under the name of "Alcatel Vacuum Technology" -
      invented the first direct drive rotary vane pump rotating at 1500
      revolutions per minute. At the same time, Alcatel Annecy developed its
      first helium leak detector which was marketed in 1966. The creation of
      turbomolecular pumps on gas bearings culminated in the mass production of
      these in 1971. One year later, Alcatel opened a commercial subsidiary in
      Boston (USA) to meet the needs of the market.
    - Alcatel introduced its first ball bearing turbomolecular pump with 450 l/s
      ball bearings in 1978 and produced its 100,000th rotary vane pump in 1983.
      In 1980, the company developed its first machine for the plasma etching of
      silicon wafers for the semiconductor industry.
    - The 1990s were years of repositioning, growth and strengthening the image.
      The year 1992 was marked by the launch of the first Alcatel dry pump (ADP
      80). Thanks to the performance of this range of products, the company took
      up a position in the semiconductor market amongst the world's leading
      players. At the same time, the company reinforced its position in this
      market with the introduction of its first dry detector and its first
      magnetically levitated hybrid turbopumps for semiconductor applications.
      Moreover, it extended its world-wide influence by creating further
      subsidiaries in Europe and in Asia.
    - The year 2002 saw the launch of two new production tools for deep silicon
      etching for the emerging Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems industry (MEMS).
      In 2004, the ALCATEL group centered its business on telecommunications.
      The subsidiary which operated at that time under the name "Alcatel Vacuum
      Technology" decided to create its own brand name «adixen». This was to
      express the company's determination to take its know-how into the world of
      the vacuum. At the same time, it opened a subsidiary in Shanghai (China).
    - In 2008, the company introduced two systems for the analysis and cleaning
      of the molecular contamination during the semi-conductor manufacturing
      process. The same year, adixen developed a range of high capacity dry
      pumps (ADK series) for the flat panel display and the photovoltaic market.
      These activities led to the major commercial successes in 2010 with the
      major players of this market, after the serious world economic crisis in
      2009. The company was able to preserve its industrial and human potential
      during that crisis thanks to its flexibility, the adaptability of its
      staff, and was preparing to come back strongly and rapidly in the months
      which followed.
    - In 2009 adixen took advantage of the slowdown in production that was
      caused by the international economic crisis, to introduce the "Green Lab
      Fab" eco concept. Among others, this concept is designed to reduce the
      energy requirements of backing pumps produced in France by 30 percent by
      2013, compared to the reference value in 2009. Sustainability is much more
      than just a fad topic: it is an essential part of the corporate culture
      and has long been a key success factor. For one thing, it is important
      that products are economical, efficient and long-lasting. It also promotes
      the sustainable use of resources during development and manufacturing.

Today, the Pfeiffer Vacuum Group is highly profitable with a strong balance
sheet and an excellent competitive position. Growth potential results from the
combined product portfolio available to new and existing customers.

adixen Vacuum Products

Brigitte Vernier
T +33 4 50 65 78 77
F +33 4 50 65 77 39

Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology AG

Investor Relations
Dr. Brigitte Loos
T +49 6441 802 1346
F +49 6441 802 1365

About Pfeiffer Vacuum
Pfeiffer Vacuum (Stock Exchange Symbol PFV, ISIN DE0006916604) is one of the
world's leading providers of vacuum solutions. In addition to a full range of
hybrid and magnetically levitated turbopumps, the product portfolio comprises
backing pumps, measurement and analysis devices, components as well as vacuum
chambers and systems. Ever since the invention of the turbopump by Pfeiffer
Vacuum, the company has stood for innovative solutions and high-tech products
that are used in the markets Analytic, Industry, Research & Development,
Coating and Semiconductor. Founded in 1890, Pfeiffer Vacuum is active
throughout the world today. The company employs a workforce of some 2,300
people and has more than 20 subsidiaries. For more information, please visit

Further inquiry note:
Brigitte Looß
Leiterin Investor Relations
Tel.: +49 (6441) 802-1346

end of announcement                               euro adhoc 

company:     Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology AG
             Berliner Str.  43
             D-35614 Aßlar
phone:       +49(0)6441-802-0
FAX:         +49 (6441) 802-1202
sector:      Machine Manufacturing
ISIN:        DE0006916604
indexes:     TecDAX, CDAX, HDAX, Prime All Share, DAXsector All Industrial
stockmarkets: free trade: Hannover, Berlin, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf,
             Stuttgart, regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt 
language:   English

Original content of: Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology AG, transmitted by news aktuell

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