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Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA

Bertelsmann pledges support to dependents of rescue workers killed in New York

Gütersloh (ots)

The international media company Bertelsmann,
which does a third of its business in the US, has pledged its
financial support to the families of policemen and firefighters
killed and still trapped in the Twin Towers. Speaking at an event on
Wednesday in Gütersloh, Bertelsmann Chairman & CEO Thomas Middelhoff
announced that the company will be donating one million US dollars
each to the appropriate organizations at the Police and Fire Dept.,
saying that this is intended as a first signal and as a gesture of
compassion and sympathy. Additional support measures should follow.
"Our answer to terrorism can only lie in solidarity and the
courage of our convictions," emphasized Middelhoff. "Solidarity with
the victims, with the survivors, with the families, with all US
citizens and with our colleagues at Random House, BMG, Gruner + Jahr,
Arvato, RTL Group, DirectGroup and BertelsmannSpringer in the US.
Through the journalistic work of our various media, we will do
everything we can to speed the return to a peaceful world."
The Chairman & CEO has appealed to Bertelsmann's more than 18,000
employees in the US, and particularly to its approximately 5,000
employees in New York, to donate blood. Hotlines for Bertelsmann's US
employees and their families were already put into operation on
Tuesday, to organize information and assistance. The Bertelsmann
Building on Times Square was not hit by the terrorist tragedy.
For further questions: 
Oliver Herrgesell
Media Relations
Tel.: +49 - 52 41 - 80 24 66

Original content of: Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA, transmitted by news aktuell

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