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Aareal Bank

Annual General Meeting of Aareal Bank AG adopts all proposed resolutions with a large majority

Wiesbaden (ots)

The Annual General Meeting of Aareal Bank AG has adopted all resolutions proposed by the Management Board and the Supervisory Board with a large majority. These included resolutions to establish new Authorised Capital, and an authorisation of the Management Board to issue convertible bonds or bonds with warrants. These resolutions represented global authorisations; there are currently no concrete plans for exercising them.

The Annual General Meeting also elected all nominated Supervisory Board members for a term of office of five years.

Formal approval for the members of the Management Board was granted with a majority of 98.66 per cent, and 98.66 per cent for the members of the Supervisory Board. 62.72 per cent of the issued share capital was represented at the Annual General Meeting.

Dr Wolf Schumacher, Chairman of the Management Board of Aareal Bank, said to shareholders: "Aareal Bank Group, with its tried-and-tested business model and prudent business policy, commands a strong and solid position in the midst of a market environment that still remains challenging - and at times, turbulent. We have mastered the crisis up to now in an excellent manner, and started the new financial year on a positive note, too: thanks to its pronounced strengths, Aareal Bank Group has very strong medium- to long-term prospects."

Note to editors: Aareal Bank will publish the voting results for individual agenda items on its website ( after the Annual General Meeting has concluded.

Aareal Bank

Aareal Bank AG is one of the leading international specialist property banks. The Aareal Bank share is included in Deutsche Börse's mid-cap MDAX index. Aareal Bank operates on three continents: leveraging its successful European business model, the bank has established similar platforms in North America and in the Asia-Pacific region. It provides property financing solutions in more than 25 countries.


Aareal Bank AG
Corporate Communications

Sven Korndörffer
phone: +49 611 348 2306

Christian Feldbrügge
phone: +49 611 348 2280

Investor Relations

Jürgen Junginger
phone: +49 611 348 2636

Original content of: Aareal Bank, transmitted by news aktuell

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