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Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG

Heidelberg achieves record profits in fiscal year 00/01 - sales rise by more than 15 percent to Euro 5.3 billion

Heidelberg (ots)

Successful start to the year - company expects sales and profits
to be above last year's figures
Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (Heidelberg) has
closed the last 2000/2001 fiscal year (April 1, 2000 to March 31,
2001) with record profits. Sales of the Heidelberg Group rose by more
than 15% to Euro 5.3 billion (previous year: Euro 4.6 billion).
Orders received also exhibited pleasing growth in all divisions,
standing at around Euro 5.5 billion. This is more than 18 percent up
on the comparable figure for the highly successful previous year
(just under Euro 4.7 billion), which means that the company has
further extended its leading position in the graphic arts industry.
"In the current fiscal year, we expect Heidelberg to achieve sales
and profits in excess of last year's levels", stated Bernhard
Schreier, Chairman of the Heidelberg Management Board.
The rise in profits in 2000/2001 demonstrates the company's
potential for growth. "We have increased our operating profit by
around 10% from Euro 463 million to Euro 506 million", explained
Chief Financial Officer Dr. Herbert Meyer. The Heidelberg Group's net
profit increased from Euro 251 million to Euro 283 million after
adjustment and, after accounting for special influences, totaled Euro
342 million. 
   The non-recurring item of around Euro 60 million (Euro 100 million
before tax) relates to the application of new accounting procedures
for the treatment of special investment funds. Unlike in previous
years, special funds are no longer listed at the historical
procurement costs of around Euro 280 million, but instead the stocks,
securities, cash and pensions included in the funds are now listed at
their market values of around Euro 380 million. The earnings per
share rose from Euro 2.91 to Euro 3.30 after adjustment. At the
Annual General Meeting, Heidelberg will propose that, in view of the
highly favorable 2000/2001 fiscal year, a dividend of Euro 1.80 will
be issued - an increase of 10 cents on last year's dividend. This
corresponds to a net dividend yield of 3.1% calculated on the current
share price (average Euro 58).
   During the period under review, Heidelberg's total workforce
increased by 1,759 to 25,936 (as at March 31, 2001).
High double-figure growth in divisions and regions
In the 2000/2001 fiscal year, sales in all divisions were boosted
by a highly favorable economic climate and the high number of orders
received at drupa in May 2000.
Digital buoyant
   Sales in the Digital division rose by just under 16% from Euro 659
million to some Euro 763 million. With more than 2,000 black/white
digital printing systems already shipped, Heidelberg has now achieved
a market share of 17% in this sector. The company's goal is to
increase this share to 30% in the next five years. The operating loss
rose from Euro 26 million to Euro 64 million. This is due to the
financial outlays required for the development of digital presses and
the expansion of the company's sales organization. A further factor
was the unfavorable profit development in the prepress sector.
Sheetfed division continues to be successful
   The Sheetfed division (sheetfed offset presses) also continued its
success story, with sales increasing from Euro 2.8 billion to Euro
3.3 billion - a growth of almost 17%. The operating result increased
from Euro 491 million to Euro 543 million. Heidelberg's goal is to
expand its strong market position in this sector further.
Web Systems division breaks even
   Heidelberg's Web Systems division achieved sales of Euro 801
million which, when compared to Euro 695 million last year,
represents a growth of more than 15%. The operating result reached
break-even point, despite the expansion of newspaper press business
and following a loss of Euro 7 million in 1999/2000.
Finishing set to grow
   In the Finishing division, sales rose from Euro 398 million to
Euro 408 million. The operating profit climbed from Euro 5 million to
Euro 27 million. Heidelberg is looking to achieve stronger growth
than the market average in this sector in future.
Global orientation pays off
   Heidelberg experienced high demand from all regions. Despite the
economic slowdown in the second half of the last fiscal year, sales
in the NAFTA region rose by 16% to Euro 1.8 billion. In Central
Europe, Heidelberg once again reported high sales, achieving a figure
of Euro 1.9 billion. The Middle East/Africa, Asia/Pacific and Central
& South America regions demonstrated sales growth well in excess of
30% compared with last year. Asia/Pacific achieved sales of almost
Euro 1 billion. The highest percentage growth was seen in Eastern
Europe, with sales in the region growing by 53% to Euro 291 million.
Prospects for the future: Heidelberg looking to achieve sales of
Euro 8 billion in five years
   We are expecting a slight deterioration in economic conditions in
the 2001/2002 fiscal year. Growth in the USA will slow down further
in the first half of the 2001/2002 fiscal year. However, we are
expecting a slight recovery in the second half of the year. China in
particular will continue to exhibit strong growth.
"Heidelberg expects to outperform the industry as a whole in
2001/2002, at a time when business is likely to be quite subdued",
commented Bernhard Schreier, referring to Heidelberg's prospects for
the current fiscal year. "Because of our rigorous positioning as a
solutions provider for the entire graphic arts industry, I am highly
optimistic that we will be able to achieve a growth in sales running
into almost double figures in the years to come", stated Schreier.
But this can only be achieved, he added, if there are no unforeseen
economic downturns on markets that are relevant to Heidelberg. In
five years, Schreier predicts sales of around Euro 8 billion for the
Heidelberg Group. "We will achieve this by developing new products
and by extending our market shares in all divisions".
The new Annual Report for the 2000/2001 fiscal year can also be
found on the internet at
   Further information is available on the Internet at
Important Note:
   This press release contains forward-looking statements which are
based on assumptions and estimations by the managment board of
Heidelberger Druckmaschinen Aktiengesellschaft. Even though the
management board is of the opinion that those assumptions and
estimations are realistic the future development and the projected
results may deviate substantially from the forward-looking
statements. Those deviations can be due to several factors including
but not limited to changes in the macro-economic situation, in the
exchange rates, in the interest rates and in the graphic arts
industry. Heidelberger Druckmaschinen Aktiengesellschaft gives no
warranty and does not assume the liability for any damages in case
the future development and the projected results do not correspond
with the forward-looking statements.
HEIDELBERG GROUP  March 31, 2001 March 31, 2000 Change in %
                     EUR m.         EUR m.
   Net sales         5,303           4,601      15.3
Digital          763             659      15.8
      Sheetfed       3,331           2,849      16.9
      Web Systems      801             695      15.3
      Finishing        408             398       2.5
Incoming orders   5,537           4,694      18.0
Digital             774             670    
   Sheetfed          3,488           2,911    
   Web Systems         858             704    
   Finishing           417             409
Result of 
   ordinary operations 506             463      9.3
Digital          -64             -26    
      Sheetfed         543             491    
      Web Systems        0              -7    
      Finishing         27               5
Earnings before 
   taxes               531             487
Net profit          283             251      12.7
   Net profit 
   w/o extraordinary   342        
   profit effects (Special fonds)             
   Cash Flow           524          447
CAPEX               237          321
Employees        25,936        24,177        7.3
Digital           4,670         4,169    
   Sheetfed         16,331        15,148    
   Web Systems       3,196         2,964    
   Finishing         1,739         1,896
Sales by regions  March 31, 2001 March 31, 2000 Change in %
                     in %           in %
Central Europe    1,914      1,911        0.2
   Eastern Europe      291        190       52.7
   NAFTA             1,794      1,550       15.7
   America             163        111       46.6
   Asia/Pacific        997        736       35.5
   Middle East/Africa  144        104       38.3
ots Original Text Service: Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG
For further information:
Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG
Corporate Communications
Thomas Fichtl
Tel: +49 (0)6221-92-4747
Fax: +49 (0)6221-92-5069

Original content of: Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG, transmitted by news aktuell

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