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Schertz Bergmann Rechtsanwälte

Press Release Cristiano Ronaldo

Berlin (ots)

Following the current SPIEGEL reporting on our client Cristiano Ronaldo, we hereby declare the following: The reporting in SPIEGEL is blatantly illegal. It violates the personal rights of our client Cristiano Ronaldo in an exceptionally serious way. This is an inadmissible reporting of suspicions in the area of privacy. It would therefore already be unlawful to reproduce this reporting. We have been instructed to immediately assert all existing claims under press law against SPIEGEL, in particular compensation for moral damages in an amount corresponding to the gravity of the infringement, which is probably one of the most serious violations of personal rights in recent years.

Professor Dr. Christian Schertz


Prof.Dr.Christian Schertz
Kurfürstendamm 53
10707 Berlin

Original content of: Schertz Bergmann Rechtsanwälte, transmitted by news aktuell