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Messenger in crisis communication: No compromise on data protection

München (ots)

The TrustCase business messenger mobile app is part of FACT24, the software-as-a-service solution for alerting and crisis management, and was developed explicitly for the business world. The messenger is usually used for crisis communication and is also used by FACT24 clients for secure communication in a professional environment. The app is available as a free download from the App Store ( and Google Play (

The TrustCase App is explicitly tailored to the needs of companies and therefore it always meets the strictest data protection regulations.

"Since the EU GDPR came into force on 25 May 2018 and with the automotive giant Continental banning WhatsApp from their employees' phones; WhatsApp as a corporate based communication service is absolutely no longer a valid solution for companies. In particular, the manner in which data is transfered from the address book to the WhatsApp servers, Facebook and potentially others third parties - as reported by various media - is unacceptable", says Christian Götz, co-founder of F24 AG, Member of the Executive Board and responsible for Sales, Marketing and HR.

Tested for confidentiality and high security

TrustCase has many safeguards and is regularly tested while also complying with the data protection provisions of the EU GDPR. "Confidentiality and integrity are fundamental in business communications. Companies should not make any compromises in this respect", Christian Götz continues.

In the TrustCase app every message from sender to recipient is end-to-end encrypted and components in between, such as network and server, have no possibility to read it. The integration with the phone address book is completely voluntary and is always anonymous.

More information on TrustCase and F24 on


Dr. Stefanie Hauer
Corporate Communications
F24 AG
+49892323638-0 ;

Original content of: F24 AG, transmitted by news aktuell

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