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Kommunalkredit Austria AG

EANS-News: Kommunalkredit issued the first Austrian Social Covered Bonds

  Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
  distribution. The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.

EUR 300 m issuance size
Issuance significantly oversubscribed 
Coupon of 0,375 per cent, tenor of 4 years

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Vienna, 04/07/2017 - Kommunalkredit Austria AG (Kommunalkredit) today has
successfully issued the first Austrian EUR 300 m Social Covered Bonds with a
tenor of 4 years and a coupon of 0,375 per cent. The issuance was preceded by a
euro-wide roadshow. The issuance was significantly oversubscribed with the order
book totaling EUR 531 m (from more than 40 investors). Kommunalkredit was also
capable of broadening its investor base by this transaction. This bond has been
the first issuance since the privatization of the Bank in 2015.

The issued bond is a Social Covered Bonds based on the Green Bond Principles by
the International Capital Market Association (ICMA). The net proceeds of the
Social Covered Bond are exclusively used for the financing of projects in the
field of social infrastructure, namely education, health and social housing -
both for the refinancing of Kommunalkredit's existing social infrastructure
portfolio and for new projects.

The renowned sustainability rating agency Sustainalytics has audited the
implementation of the social framework for Social Covered Bonds in
Kommunalkredit and confirms that Kommunalkredit is fulfilling all prerequisites
for the issuance of this bond. The complete report has been published by
Sustainalytics in the form of a so-called "Second Opinion" under following link: [http://] and on Kommunalkredit's own
webpage in the investor relations section.

Further inquiry note:
Kommunalkredit Austria AG
Ingo Rieger
Head of Treasury
1092 Vienna, Tuerkenstrasse 9
Tel.: +43 (0) 1/31 6 31-620, Fax: -99620

Kommunalkredit Austria AG
Martin Hehemann
Head of Corporate Communications
1092 Vienna, Tuerkenstrasse 9
Tel.: +43 (0) 1/31 6 31-532, Fax: -99532

end of announcement                         euro adhoc

issuer:       Kommunalkredit Austria AG
              Türkenstraße  9
              A-1092 Wien
phone:        +43 1 31 6 31
FAX:          +43 1 31 6 31 105
ISIN:         -
stockmarkets: Wien, SIX Swiss Exchange, Luxembourg Stock Exchange
language:     English

Original content of: Kommunalkredit Austria AG, transmitted by news aktuell

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