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Kommunalkredit Austria AG

EANS-Adhoc: Kommunalkredit Austria AG
Private Sector Involvement - Greece

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Kommunalkredit Austria AG / Private Sector Involvement - Greece


Kommunalkredit Austria AG / Private Sector Involvement - Greece

The Republic of Greece has published the result of the debt restructuring votes
under the Private Sector Involvement (PSI) programme agreed with the Institute
of International Finance (IIF) and published on 24 February 2012 today.
Kommunalkredit Austria AG (KA) has participated in the PSI programme with Greek
government bonds of a nominal value of EUR 150 million. KA has no other Greek
sovereign exposure and has not underwritten any credit default swaps (CDS).

For KA this measure, as well as the portfolio reduction since the 2011 Interim
Report, results in an additional provisioning requirement in the amount of EUR
142.2 million, which will be taken into consideration in the result for the year
2011. The bank will publish its result for the year 2011 after the Supervisory
Board meeting convened for the purpose of approving the annual accounts in April
2012. Due to the one-off charge resulting from participation in the PSI
programme, KA expects to close 2011 with a negative result for the year of
around EUR 120 million according to Austrian GAAP and approx. EUR 140 million
according to IFRS. The preliminary operating result, amounting to about EUR 25
million, is above budget.

KA continues to have a sound capital position and will not require government
support. The bank has sufficient strength to assume the burden of the Greek debt
writedown on its own. After the above measures and based on its preliminary
figures, the bank expects to report a tier-1 ratio of well above 11% and a total
capital ratio of 14% as of 31 December 2011.

Further information: German and English version

Language:       German, English

Issuer:  Kommunalkredit Austria AG
         Tuerkenstrasse 9
         1092 Vienna
Phone:   +43/1/31 6 31-678

XS0285503248, XS0252707624, XS0437341307, AT0000329859, DE0002490505,
XS0373257590, XS0340901908, XS0336932065, XS0302365134, XS0299062389,
XS0289015777, XS0286031777, XS0271821513, XS0270872640, XS0267998481,
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XS0160668181, XS0104786263, XS0100920353, AT0000A0H9X0, XS0495988072,
XS0591640155, XS0592235187, XS0632936950, XS0641895577, XS0641895148,
XS0641894927, XS0687890441 

Stock exchanges:        Vienna, Luxembourg, Frankfurt, Zurich

Issuer: Kommunalkredit Austria AG

Further inquiry note:
Kommunalkredit Austria AG
Treasury - Investor Relations 
Dinah Reiss
1092 Vienna, Tuerkenstrasse 9
Phone: +43/1/31 6 31-678
Fax: +43/1/31 6 31-505 or 99678

end of announcement                               euro adhoc 

issuer:      Kommunalkredit Austria AG
             Türkenstraße  9
             A-1092 Wien
phone:       +43 1 31 6 31
FAX:         +43 1 31 6 31 105
sector:      Banking
ISIN:        -
stockmarkets: stock market: Luxembourg Stock Exchange 
language:   English

Original content of: Kommunalkredit Austria AG, transmitted by news aktuell

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