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Rosenbauer International AG

euro adhoc: Rosenbauer International AG
Quarterly or Semiannual Financial Statements
ROSENBAUER GROUP: 1st quarter 2003 (E)

Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is
responsible for the content of this announcement.
Key figures 1st quarter 2003                    1-3/2003    1-3/2002
Revenue                                        EUR m 74.3     64.6
EBIT                                           EUR m 5.1      5.4
EBT                                            EUR m 4.2      4.5
Profit after tax                               EUR m 2.5      2.3
Net profit for the period                      EUR m 1.4      1.5
Cash-flow from pre-tax profit                  EUR m 6.2      5.0
Capital investments                            EUR m 1.3      0.7
Order backlog (end of the first quarter)       EUR m 228.0    246.8
Order intake                                   EUR m 72.2     54.7
Employees                                            1269     1264
Market capitalisation (end of the 1st quarter) EUR m 46.8     36.7
On revenues of EUR 74.3 m (up 15 % on the comparable figure of EUR
64.6 m for 1-3/2002), the Group posted EBT of EUR 4.2 m (1-3/2002:
EUR 4.5 m). The higher revenues are largely attributable to
stepped-up deliveries of export orders from Austria and Spain. The
biggest contributors to the result in the 1st quarter of 2003 were
the Group's companies in Austria, the USA and Spain.
Positive forecast for 2003. In view of the very healthy state of
order books and the resultant high level of capacity utilisation at
the Group's main production facilities, Management expects year-2003
revenues to climb to over EUR 300 m (2002: EUR 286.5 m), with a
result that is comparable to the good result achieved in 2002.
end of announcement        euro adhoc 27.05.2003

Further inquiry note:

Further information: Robert Kastil, Telephone: +43/732/6794-570 Gerda Königstorfer,
Investor Relations, Telephone: +43/732/6794-568

Branche: Machine Manufacturing
ISIN: AT0000922554
WKN: 092255
Index: ATX Prime, WBI
Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / official dealing
Berliner Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Baden-Württembergische Wertpapierbörse / free trade

Original content of: Rosenbauer International AG, transmitted by news aktuell

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