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GESCO aiming at new records

- Sales and net income reach new record highs - Dividend up from € 1.50 to € 2.42 - New financial year promising further growth

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Wuppertal (euro adhoc) - Wuppertal, 26 June 2008 - The SDAX listed investment holding company GESCO AG is reporting another record year at today´s Annual Accounts Press Conference and is expecting further growth in the new financial year.

In the financial year 2007/2008 (1 April 2007 - 31 March 2008) GESCO Group was able to benefit from positive economic conditions above average and increased Group sales by 24% to EUR 333 million (previous year: EUR 268 million). EBIT (earnings before interest and taxes) was up considerably by 44 % to EUR 34 million (EUR 24 million). Group net income after minority interests increased by 34% to EUR 17.9 million (EUR 13.3 million), corresponding to earnings per share of EUR 5.92 (EUR 4.83).

Group headcount increased from 1,543 to 1,713 employees, which can mainly be attributed to the acquisition of VWH Vorrichtungs- und Werkzeugbau Herschbach GmbH in April 2007, as well as new hires in existing companies in the Group.

On the back of this dynamic development the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board are going to be proposing a basic dividend of EUR 2.20 per share as well as a 10% bonus of EUR 0.22 per share to the AGM on 21 August 2008 to mark the 10 year anniversary of the company´s IPO. The total dividend amounts to EUR 2.42 per share compared to EUR 1.50 per share in the previous year.

GESCO AG is also positive about the development in the new financial year 2008/2009 (1 April 2008 - 31 March 2009). Management is expecting Group sales to increase by around 11 % to EUR 370 million and a rise in Group net income after minority interests of around 20 % to EUR 21.5 million or EUR 7.11 per share. The tax reform is a contributing factor to the increase in income to a certain degree.

GESCO Executive Board member Dr. Hans-Gert Mayrose on the figures reported and on plans: "GESCO Group is in excellent shape. The fact that we have been able to tap into the momentum of economic conditions can be attributed to the substantial investments we made in the past as well as the performance and skill of our employees. The Group started into the new financial year with unbroken momentum which makes us expect another record year."

Read the full Annual Report at

About GESCO AG GESCO AG is the parent company of a group of small and medium-sized companies in the field of industrial Base Technologies. GESCO acquires successful niche providers, generally as part of succession arrangements, in order to retain and further develop these long term. As an SDAX listed company GESCO AG offers private and institutional investors access to SMEs.

Investor Relations • Oliver Vollbrecht Phone +49 2 02 2 48 20 - 18 • Fax +49 2 02 2 48 20 - 49 E-mail: • Internet:

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Further inquiry note:

Oliver Vollbrecht
Leiter Investor Relations
T.: +49(0)202 24820 18

Branche: Economy, Business & Finance
ISIN: DE0005875900
WKN: 587590
Index: SDAX, Classic All Share, Prime All Share
Börsen: Börse Frankfurt / regulated dealing/prime standard
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Original content of: GESCO AG, transmitted by news aktuell

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