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Wolford Aktiengesellschaft

EANS-Voting Rights: Wolford Aktiengesellschaft
Publication of a participation notification according to art. 135 para. 2 Stock Exchange Act

  Notification of voting rights transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a
  Europe-wide distribution. The issuer is responsible for the content of this

        Major holdings notification pursuant to Sec. §135 Abs. 2 BörseG
1. Issuer: Wolford Aktiengesellschaft
2. Reason for the notification: Acquisition or disposal of financial/other
3. Person subject to notification obligation
Acting in concert agreement (Sec. 133 No. 1 BörseG 2018)

4. Name of shareholder(s): Fosun Industrial Holdings Limited
5. Date on which the threshold was crossed or reached: 1.3.2018
6. Total positions
|               |               |  % of voting  |              |               |
|               |  % of voting  |rights through |Total of both |Total number of|
|               |rights attached|financial/other| in % (7.A +  | voting rights |
|               |to shares (7.A)| instruments   |     7.B)     |   of issuer   |
|   Resulting   |               |               |              |               |
| situation on  |               |               |              |               |
|  the date on  |    0,00 %     |    50,87 %    |   50,87 %    |   5.000.000   |
|which threshold|               |               |              |               |
| was crossed / |               |               |              |               |
|  Position of  |               |               |              |               |
|   previous    |               |               |              |               |
| notification  |               |               |              |               |

7. Notified details of the resulting situation:
A: Voting rights attached to shares
|             |   Number of   |               |  % of voting  |                |
|             |    Direct     |   Indirect    |    Direct     |    Indirect    |
|             |(Sec 130 BörseG|(Sec 133 BörseG|(Sec 130 BörseG|(Sec 133 BörseG |

|B 1: Financial / Other Instruments pursuant to Sec. 131 para. 1 No. 1 BörseG|

|              |               |               |   Number of   |               |
|              |               |               |    voting     |               |
|              |               |               |rights that may|               |
|   Type of    |               |               |      be       |  % of voting  |
|  instrument  |Expiration Date|Exercise Period|acquired if the|    rights     |
|              |               |               |               |               |
|              |               |               | instrument is |               |
|Share Purchase|               |               |               |               |
|Agreement     |30.06.2018     |30.06.2018     |      2.543.694|        50,87 %|

B 2: Financial / Other Instruments pursuant to Sec. 131 para. 1 No. 2 BörseG
|  Type of  | Expiration | Exercise  | Physical /  | Number of   |% of voting |
|instrument |    Date    |  Period   |    Cash     |voting rights|   rights   |

8. Information in relation to the person subject to the notification obligation:
Full chain of controlled undertakings through which the voting rights and/or the
financial/other instruments are effectively held starting with the ultimate
controlling natural person or legal entity:
|          |             |           |             | Financial/  |             |
|          |             | Directly  | Shares held |    other    |Total of both|
|   No.    |    Name     |controlled |directly (%) | instruments |     (%)     |
|          |             |  by No.   |             |held directly|             |
|    1     |Guangchang   |           |             |             |             |
|          |Fosun        |           |             |             |             |
|    4     |International|   1,2,3   |             |             |             |
|          |Fosun        |           |             |             |             |
|    5     |Holdings     |     4     |             |             |             |
|          |Fosun        |           |             |             |             |
|    6     |International|     5     |             |             |             |
|          |Fosun        |           |             |             |             |
|    7     |Industrial   |     6     |             |      50,87 %|      50,87 %|
|          |Holdings     |           |             |             |             |

9. In case of proxy voting
Date of general meeting: -
Voting rights after general meeting: - is equivalent to - voting rights.
10. Sonstige Kommentare:

Further inquiry note:
Wolford AG
Maresa Hoffmann
Investor Relations & Corporate Communications
Tel.: +43 5574 690 1258 |

end of announcement                         euro adhoc

issuer:       Wolford Aktiengesellschaft
              Wolfordstrasse 1
              A-6900 Bregenz
phone:        +43(0) 5574 690-1268
FAX:          +43(0) 5574 690-1219
ISIN:         AT0000834007
indexes:      ATX GP
stockmarkets: Frankfurt, Wien, New York
language:     English

Original content of: Wolford Aktiengesellschaft, transmitted by news aktuell

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