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The fastest 3D printer for teeth and other commercial and creative 3D printing innovations, attractively presented and clearly communicated

The fastest 3D printer for teeth and other commercial and creative 3D printing innovations, attractively presented and clearly communicated
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From 25 to 27 June 2019, Rapid.Tech + FabCon 3.D will offer visitors fresh insights and networking opportunities in new formats - Get all the latest news with the event app

Attached you can find our current press release of Rapid.Tech + FabCon 3.D (25-27 June 2019, Erfurt, Germany). We are looking forward for you press reportings!

The fastest 3D printer for teeth and other commercial and creative 3D printing innovations, attractively presented and clearly communicated

From 25 to 27 June 2019, Rapid.Tech + FabCon 3.D will offer visitors fresh insights and networking opportunities in new formats - Get all the latest news with the event app

(Erfurt, 18 June 2019). In a few days' time, Erfurt will once again be able to claim to be the capital of 3D printing. From 25 to 27 June 2019,as the Rapid.Tech + FabCon 3.D conference for additive technologies will be welcoming visitors to the state capital of Thuringia for the 16th time. Around 200 exhibitors and more than 100 speakers from 13 countries will present the latest developments in 3D printing. Applications for the technology range from A to Z, and include the fastest 3D printer for teeth, which will be presented at the trade fair by TRUMPF. The system can produce dental prosthetics ten times more quickly than conventional processes.

In addition to tried and tested formats such as the exhibition focused on practical application and the user-focused specialist conference with its world-class keynote speakers and more than 100 specialist presentations, Rapid.Tech + FabCon 3.D is this year focusing on providing opportunities for direct interaction and networking between suppliers and potential users of additive technologies. "We have refined our concept to meet the requirements of our exhibitors, visitors and conference guests for an attractive, informative and compact conference, and are offering new presentation and networking formats. And for the first time our communications mix includes a trade fair TV studio provided by link instinct. Exhibitors will be able to present their product innovations here by means of short interviews or pitches, and quickly get into conversation with prospective clients. The studio is at the heart of our newly-created 'Additive Area'. This area is right next to the café island in the middle of the hall and is a meeting point for exhibitors and visitors, providing information and facilitating communication," says Michael Kynast, CEO of Messe Erfurt GmbH, describing key features of the enhanced concept.

The 3D printing conference has plenty in store both for newcomers to additive manufacturing (AM) and for advanced practitioners. Amongst other things, the open forum at the centre of the exhibition will be hosting an introductory course for recent entrants to AM. It will also provide information on education and training opportunities, for example in-service training at Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences to become an Application Engineer for Additive Processes/Rapid Technologies, and VDI Additive Manufacturing Specialist Engineer certification devised primarily by the VDI Knowledge Forum. The new Education Forum will present examples of how 3D printing is being integrated into schools and vocational and higher education. There will also be updates from the start-up community and the creative industries, who will present the latest developments including the use of 3D printing in architecture, construction, art, transport, medicine, sustainability, digital industries, design and fashion. Innovative ideas in these areas will be recognised by the international 3D Pioneers Challenge. The Start-Up Award will also be presented once again. The final will see exciting pitches from eight young international companies competing to be crowned Start Up of the Year. They will present processes including the first 3D printing of glass, and new 3D printing media such as a stone material to be used primarily in architecture.

The continued industrialisation of additive manufacturing will be a central focus of the specialist conference. AM experts will discuss developments, trends and applications in 14 sector- and technology-specific fora. New to the agenda this year are the Software & Processes and Plastics Forums, as well as Standardisation & Occupational Safety. Alongside these, the programme once again includes the established Automotive Industry, Aviation, Medical, Dental & Orthopaedics Technology, Contract Additive Manufacturing, 3D-Printed Electronics and Functions, Design, Metals, Legal, and Tool, Mould and Fixture Making Forums, an event by the Fraunhofer Additive Manufacturing Alliance GENERATIV, and the two-day AM Science forum.

To enable visitors to customise their visit to Rapid.Tech + FabCon 3.D, and to ensure that they can access the latest information during the event, Messe Erfurt is for the first time providing a special event app. This is available via Google Play or the App Store under "Rapid.Tech", and will enable visitors to experience Rapid.Tech + FabCon 3.D digitally.

One-, two- or three-day tickets for the trade show and/or the specialist conference are also available online from the Ticketshop at:

Further information:

Kind regards,

Anne Apel
Referentin Marketing & Kommunikation 
Messe Erfurt GmbH
Gothaer Straße 34
99094 Erfurt

Tel.: +49 361 400-1530
Fax: +49 361 400-1111

Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Staatssekretärin Valentina Kerst
Geschäftsführer: Michael Kynast 
Amtsgericht Jena HRB 504079
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