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Just innovative: the Hager Group Annual Report 2011

Just innovative: the Hager Group Annual Report 2011
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Blieskastel (ots)

It is said that the most reliable way to forecast the future is to invent it, and it is exactly this that Hager Group is intensively working on. In December 2011 the clearly extended understanding of innovation has been presented at the yearly congress of the managers in Paris. It no longer simply involves classical product innovations, but new services, intelligent systems and astute solutions for the customers.

The meaning of this innovative understanding for the company is the theme of the new Annual Report 2011.

It is not just a list of business figures. Under the title "From products to solutions? you will get answers to questions like: How does Hager Group meet the challenges of a complex world? Or: What does "Smart grid? and "Ambient assisted living? mean? Just as last year, it also contains a "Best of? describing the most important products, events and company news of 2011 ? a year with a completely new chapter in Hager Group?s history of innovations.

Discover the Annual Report 2011 on your PC or on your iPad - with additional videos, picture galleries and audio experiences.

The interactive version is available at:

The free iPad app can be downloaded in iTunes:

Hager Group

Hager Group is a leading supplier of solutions and services for electrical installations in residential, commercial and industrial buildings. As an independent family-owned and run company based in Blieskastel, Saarland, Hager Group is one of the industry's innovation leaders. 11,400 employees generate a turnover of 1.55 billion euros (2011). Components and applications are produced in 20 locations around the globe and customers in more than 80 countries all over the world trust in them.


Corporate Communications
Hager SE
Phone: +33 3 69 55 61 88

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