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13.11.2019 - 17:15
Hochheim (ots) - Thousands of people celebrated on Monday Nov. 11th the opening of the nationwide campaign "Germany-does-not-fly" and gave a clear statement not to use any domestic flights between Feb. 10th until Feb. 16th 2020. The call to stop all ...To the press release of gegenwind2011 Rhein-Main e.V.
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29.10.2019 - 20:09
Hochheim (ots) - "From Feb. 10th until Feb. 16th 2020 we wish that as many people as possible give up their private or business domestic flights and stay grounded", so the official statement from "Gegenwind 2011". The nationwide campaign "Germany ...To the press release of gegenwind2011 Rhein-Main e.V.