EKD - Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland

"Letting people drown is not an option for Europe"/ Bedford-Strohm goes on Mediterranean fact-finding visit

31.05.2019 – 11:00

Hannover (ots)

After the European elections, Bishop Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, chair of the Council of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD), has urged an increase in international efforts to rescue and receive refugees. He said that 2019 should not now become a lost year for rescuing people in distress on the Mediterranean. On Sunday 2 June 2019 Bedford-Strohm will leave for Sicily in order to gain first-hand information about the situation of civilian sea rescues and aid projects for refugees.

Listen to a personal statement by Bedford-Strohm on the fact-finding visit at https://youtu.be/uqu_pO3xPko

For queries before and during the visit please contact Michael Brinkmann on: +49(0)170 760 95 64 michael.brinkmann@ekd.de

Hanover, 31 May 2019

EKD Press Office


Carsten Splitt
Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland
Stabsstelle Kommunikation
Herrenhäuser Strasse 12
D-30419 Hannover
Telefon: 0511 - 2796 - 269
E-Mail: presse@ekd.de

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