Technische Universität München

TUM is Germany's strongest university in business sciences

14.12.2020 – 12:06


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Germany's strongest university in business sciences

TUM repeats top placement in WirtschaftsWoche rankings

The Technical University of Munich (TUM) is the strongest research university in Germany when it comes to business sciences. This reaffirms its number one position in the WirtschaftsWoche rankings. Four business sciences experts at TUM are among the top 50 researchers in their field.

To compile the rankings, WirtschaftsWoche magazine evaluates the number of papers published in approximately 860 journals. To reflect the varying status of the journals, weighted scores are assigned to the articles. Data for the past ten years was included for approximately 200 universities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, and the past five years for the individual authors.

As in the previous year's survey, TUM is again the strongest German university in terms of business research and came in second in the overall rankings. The Swiss university St. Gallen and Vienna University of Economics and Business again ranked first and third, respectively. They are followed by the universities in Cologne, Zurich and Hamburg.

Management interlinked with technology

In its analysis of the rankings, WirtschaftsWoche highlighted the cooperation of TUM with companies and the collaboration of business sciences with other fields. This interdisciplinary profile is a core characteristic of the TUM School of Management, which was established just 18 years ago. It combines management with technology as well as the natural sciences and medicine, thus breaking up the traditional areas of management studies to investigate the specific issues of certain economic sectors such as the energy markets and the healthcare industry. A special focus is the far-reaching transformation of companies through digitalization.

Other reasons cited by WirtschaftsWoche are the performance incentives for outstanding research at TUM and the attractive tenure track career system that draws outstanding young talent.

Five researchers among the top 100

These strong ties between management and technology are personified by Prof. Helmut Krcmar and Prof. Martin Bichler, who placed 9th and 15th among the top business researchers in the overall rankings for the German-speaking countries. The two business informatics specialists belong to both the TUM School of Management and the Department of Informatics. Prof. Krcmar is also the inaugural dean of the TUM Campus Heilbronn, which investigates the economic transformation resulting from digitalization, especially in family companies.

A total of five TUM professors were ranked among the Top 100:

Prof. Helmut Krcmar, Chair of Information Systems and Business Process Management / TUM Campus Heilbronn (9th)

Prof. Martin Bichler, Chair of Decision Sciences & Systems (15th)

Prof. Stefan Minner, Chair of Logistics and Supply Chain Management (17th)

Prof. Alexander Hübner, Chair of Supply and Value Chain Management / TUM Campus Straubing for Biotechnology and Sustainability (45th)

Prof. David Wozabal, Chair of Investment, Finance and Risk Management in Energy Markets (90th)

Four TUM scientists also placed among the top business researchers under 40:

Prof. Oliver Alexy, Professorship of Strategic Entrepreneurship (19th)

Prof. Hanna Hottenrott, Professorship of Economics of Innovation (46th)

Prof. Markus Böhm, Chair of Information Systems and Business Process Management (68th)

Prof. Jens Förderer, Professorship of Innovation and Digitalization/ TUM Campus Heilbronn (81st)

More information:

WirtschaftsWoche rankings of top universities for research in business sciences (subscribers only):

TUM School of Management:

TUM in rankings:

The Technical University of Munich (TUM) is one of Europe's leading research universities, with around 600 professors, 44,000 students, and 10,000 academic and non-academic staff. Its focus areas are the engineering sciences, natural sciences, life sciences and medicine, combined with economic and social sciences. TUM acts as an entrepreneurial university that promotes talents and creates value for society. In that it profits from having strong partners in science and industry. It is represented worldwide with the TUM Asia campus in Singapore as well as offices in Beijing, Brussels, Mumbai, San Francisco, and São Paulo. Nobel Prize winners and inventors such as Rudolf Diesel, Carl von Linde, and Rudolf Mößbauer have done research at TUM. In 2006, 2012, and 2019 it won recognition as a German "Excellence University." In international rankings, TUM regularly places among the best universities in Germany.

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