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CIVIS Media Prize for Integration / Televiced Price Giving Ceremony Mai 9, 2012 in Brussels

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03.05.2012 – 13:37  WDR Westdeutscher Rundfunk    [newsroom]

Cologne (ots) -

CIVIS is celebrating an anniversary in 2012: 25 years of the CIVIS Media Prize. You are hereby cordially invited to the ceremony and to the TV gala of the European CIVIS Media Prize for Integration and Cultural Diversity 2012:

   Wednesday, May 9, 2012, 18:00 hrs
   European Parliament in Brussels, Entrance:
   "Altiero SpinelliBuilding-ASP"
   (accessed from the Place du Luxembourg)

The awards will be presented by the President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz; the Minister-of-State, Commissioner of the German Federal Government for Migration, Maria Böhmer, ARD- Chairwoman and Director-General of Westdeutscher Rundfunk, Monika Piel, Director-General of Norddeutscher Rundfunk, Lutz Marmor, Director-General of Deutsche Welle, Erik Bettermann and Tom Buhrow, presenter of the ARD tagesthemen. Presenters include: Frank Elstner, Sonia Seymour Mikich, Buket Alakus, Cherno Jobatey, Miroslav Nemec, Suzanne von Borsody, Brigitte Handlos and Jona Teichmann. The presenter of the televised prize-giving ceremony is Sandra Maischberger..

18 radio and television programmes have been nominated for the 2012 CIVIS Media Prize. Two prize-winners have already been decided: The "European Young CIVIS Media Prize" goes to the Nederlandse Film en Televisie Academie for "No way back", while the "European CIVIS Online Media Prize" goes to the multi-lingual news service, "cafebabel.com". 631 programme submissions from 25 EU States and Switzerland took part in the European competition. The CIVIS Media Prize is endowed with a fund of 40,000 Euros.

Photography is not permitted during the television recording. Before the presentation of prizes, a photo session is scheduled with the patron, the presenters, the moderator and other celebrities (at around 18:50 hrs). After filming is complete, there will be a further photo session with all prize-winners (at around 20:30 hrs). We are delighted, to invite you to the evening reception in the Representation of the Free State of Bavaria, hosted by the EU. Transport will be provided. Please let us know whether we should be expecting you at the award ceremony and the reception by completing the attached response fax, or via email. Evening dress is requested. The precise schedule can be found in the programme.

   Broadcasting schedules:
   Das Erste, Thursday, 10/05/2012, 0.00 - 1.00 hrs
   ORF III, Thursday, 10/05/2012, 22.30 - 23.00 hrs
   ARD/ tagesschau24, 11/05/2012, 21.02 - 21.55 hrs
   WDR Fernsehen, 12/05/2012, 9.00 - 10.00 hrs
   3sat, 13/05/2012, 12.00 - 13.00 hrs

The WDR Hörfunk (WDR Radio Broadcasting) and the television broadcasters Deutsche Welle (DW) are currently providing coverage.

Please return the attached response-form to us by 7th May 2012.

If you have any queries please contact:

Annika Hoffmann
WDR Press and Information
Telephone: +49-0221-220-7125
Email: annika.hoffmann@wdr.de