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Europe without Alternative? / WDR Europaforum 2012 - on 9th May in Brussels

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03.05.2012 – 13:32  WDR Westdeutscher Rundfunk    [newsroom]

Cologne (ots) -

The 15th international WDR Europaforum at the European Parliament in Brussels will address topics relating to the debate surrounding the future of Europe and, on 9th May, will provide the opportunity for those in attendance to exchange thoughts with high-ranking politicians from across Europe. The focus will be on the challenges of the growing debt crisis as well as the economic and social consequences for Germany and Europe.

You are hereby cordially invited to take part in the WDR Europaforum 2012, on

   Wednesday 9th May 2012, 10:15 - 17:00
   European Parliament, Brussels | Belgium |
   Entrance: "Altiero Spinelli Building - ASP"
   (accessed from the Place de Luxembourg).

The patron of the WDR Europaforums is the President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz. The ARD Board Member and Director of the West German Broadcasting Corporation (Westdeutscher Rundfunk), Monika Piel, will open the forum.

Participants include: President of the European Council, Herman van Rompuy; President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso; Finance Minister of the Federal Republic of Germany, Wolfgang Schäuble; Foreign Minister of the Federal Republic of Germany, Guido Westerwelle; former Federal Minister Peer Steinbrück; EU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Integration, László Andor; representative of the EP Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, Francoise Castex; Chairman of the Council of the German Protestant Church, Präses Nikolaus Schneider; EU Commissioner for Energy, Günther H. Oettinger; Vice President of the European Parliament, Alexander Alvaro; Representative of the EP Group of the Greens / Free European Alliance, Sven Giegold; Foreign Affairs Spokesperson for the EPP Group in the European Parliament, Elmar Brok; Chairman of the Group of the Greens / FEA in the European Parliament, Daniel Cohn-Bendit; Member of the Group of the European Left, Lothar Bisky; Head of Representation of the European Commission in Germany, Matthias Petschke; and Representative of the EP Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, Dagmar Roth-Behrendt.

Moderating the event are: Andreas Cichowicz, NDR Editor-in-Chief for television; Ulrich Deppendorf, Head of the ARD main studio in Berlin; Ellen Ehni, Head of WDR Economy and Law programme group; Joachim Görgen, Head of the SWR Trimedial News; Rolf-Dieter Krause, Head of the ARD television studio in Brussels; and Jörg Schönenborn, WDR Editor-in-Chief for television.

The central task of European politics is the resolution of the debt crisis. The financial system of the Euro Zone, with its current structure and high liability risks, is the subject of controversial political and economic discussion. The goal is to provide financial stability to the Euro States over the coming years. A call has gone out to Europe! Only if Europe works together will we successfully overcome the challenge of the crisis - is Europe without alternatives?

A few weeks prior to the EU Summit in Brussels, the WDR, together with the European Commission and the European Parliament, the NDR and the SWR, ORF Television and PHOENIX, are organising a one-day radio and television conference in Brussels. The Head of the WDR Europaforum is Michael Radix, WDR Editor-in-Chief for television.

We would be delighted for you to take part in the event.

Please return the attached response form to us by 7th May 2012.

   Gudrun Hindersin
   WDR Corporate Spokesperson


If you have any queries please contact

Annette Metzinger
WDR Press and Information
Telephone +49(0)221-220-7100

Further information: http://www.europa-forum.wdr.de