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BLOGPOST Germany’s most successful YouTube channels of 2021

 Quelle: news aktuell GmbH
hich YouTube channel do sports fans watch the most? Where do most people who follow cars, technology or the news hang out? This year the most relevant German-language YouTube channels were re-evaluated by us in cooperation with Faktenkontor. While a few old acquaintances remain, some new additions have arrived on the scene, too.

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18.10.2021 – 10:52  news aktuell GmbH    [newsroom]

Which YouTube channel do sports fans watch the most? Where do most people who follow cars, technology or the news hang out? This year the most relevant German-language YouTube channels were re-evaluated by us in cooperation with Faktenkontor. While a few old acquaintances remain, some new additions have arrived on the scene, too.

To start off, here are a few current YouTube numbers to chew on. Currently each month the video platform hosts around two billion users from around the world, according to its own figures, with over 500 hours of video material uploaded every minute, and over one billion hours of videos played back every day. It is hard to imagine any communication and marketing professionals not taking advantage of YouTube. Of course, you should already be acquainted with the top stars in your own industry. Rankings such as ours make this possible. But what exactly are we evaluating and how do we understand “relevant”?

The YouTuber Relevance Index produced by Faktenkontor is a research model that takes more than just videos retrieved and subscriptions into account. Besides these metrics, the index includes other performance factors such as the number of videos posted each month and in total, how many views they upload on average and how percentage growth in total views and per video has moved over the past 30 days.

Having been suspended last year, we now have fresh figures again for 2021. What is amazing and worthy of recognition is that, even after two years, there are still some YouTubers who are keeping a grasp on the top spot in their areas. For instance, JP Performance - the channel for horsepower and tune-up freaks that had earlier in 2017 and 2019 stood on the automotive podium - still remains at the peak there. The comedian Torge from North Germany, better known as Freshtorge, is defending his first place position in comedy, too. Paluten, in real life Patrick Mayer, continues to have the highest relevance among gamers, while Red Bull retains the top position in sports.

How about the fresh faces among the YouTube channel greats? Some newcomers are occupying niches such as Dinge Erklärt – Kurzgesagt (Things Explained in a Nutshell), which has achieved success in science and education, while oschu1000 has landed on first place for the very first time in the animals category. Astoundingly, this channel has dispensed itself entirely of any noise, filtering and speed. Showcasing animals from nutria and pot-bellied pigs to jellyfish, it talks about how they behave without anthropomorphising them. The trend is clearly toward authenticity. Another high-ranking newcomer now at the top of the technology chart is SemperVideo, whose sober videos about the internet, computers and security are refreshing and unassuming.

Germany's most successful YouTube channels by topic:

Automotive: JP Performance (2.14 million subscribers)

Beauty and Fashion: Dagi Bee (3.98 million subscribers)

Comedy: Fresh Torge (3.52 million subscribers)

Movice and Entertainment: The Voice Kids (6.73 million subscribers)

Gaming: Paluten (4.28 million subscribers)

People and Blogs: Felix von der Laden (3.21 million subscribers)

Music: Rammstein Official (5.8 million subscribers)

News and Politics: BILD (898,000 subscribers)

Sports: Red Bull (10.2 million subscribers)

Technology: SemperVideo (314,000 subscribers)

Animals and Pets: oschu1000 (381,000 subscribers)

Science and Education: Dinge Erklärt – Kurzgesagt (1.49 million subscribers)

Written by: Beatrix Ta

This article was originally posted in our blog: https://www.newsaktuell.com/blog/germanys-most-sucessfull-youtube-channels-2021/

This blog is published by news aktuell, a subsidiary of dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur.