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Magnic Light's new EUR 1 million Kickstarter campaign introduces revolutionary all-in-1 cycling lights

 Quelle: Magnic Innovations GmbH & Co KG
Magnic Microlight tail light prototypes mounted on a bicycle with caliper brakes: The current for the rotatable headlight is generated by eddy current induction, separated via an air gap from the non-magnetic aluminium rim. Over time, the white generator part shifts outward by a mechanism in the black brake shoe housing to prevent rim contact as the red brake rubber wear progresses. Magnic Microlights can be used on almost all rim brakes and can be mounted on bicycles with disc brakes by a clamp + adapter replacing the brake rubber. Weiterer Text über ots und www.presseportal.de/nr/126352 / Die Verwendung dieses Bildes ist für redaktionelle Zwecke honorarfrei. Veröffentlichung bitte unter Quellenangabe: "obs/Magnic Innovations GmbH & Co KG"

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21.12.2017 – 10:10  Magnic Innovations GmbH & Co KG    [newsroom]

Borgholzhausen (ots) -

Thinking about cycling lights in the dark season often evokes images of squeaking, slipping dynamos, empty batteries or torn cables, but the new fascinating technic presented on the Kickstarter Crowdfunding platform puts an end to these nightmares.

The all-in-1 solution "Magnic Microlights: Non-contact driven brake shoe bike light" includes a brake light in the basic version and further features such as a turn signal triggered via the brake handle, Bluetooth speed transmission as well as smartphone-controlled navigation signals in the smart-version.

The core part is the world's smallest non-contact bicycle dynamo, that is integrated together with electronics and lighting system in the brake shoes. The worldwide patented technic developed by the German company Magnic Light is based on eddy current induction: a magnetic wheel in a generator separated from the bicycle rim by a narrow air gap induces temporary magnetic fields even in non-magnetic aluminium bicycle rims when the rim is moving; this leads to the magnetic wheel rotating contactlessly as if by magic. Neither batteries nor external cables, further fittings or spoke-magnets are necessary. Maintenance is limited to the exchange of worn brake pads.

Whilst Magnic Light's previous Kickstarter-versions gained design, function and environment awards such as the GreenTec-Award, the German-Design-Award or the ISPO-Award, cycling legend Eddy Merckx now handed over the Bike Valley Innovation Award for the 20 gram light new Microlight development at the Euro-Cycling-XP exhibition in Maastricht.

In order to offer Magnic Microlights at competitive prices one of the highest ever finance volumes on Kickstarter is pursued with the amount of one Million Euro.

As a special incentive 1000 sets are offered to the fastest 1000 backers for just 1 EUR for the project launch on Dec.28th.


Dirk Strothmann
phone: (+49)5425-930547