Press release

Ansgar Haase to head dpa Brussels bureau / Verena Schmitt-Roschmann to become special correspondent in Berlin


Berlin/Brussels (ots) -

Ansgar Haase will take over as head of dpa's Brussels bureau on August 1. The 42-year-old journalist will succeed Verena Schmitt-Roschmann (54), who has been heading the bureau since 2016 and will now move to the dpa headquarters as special correspondent for Berlin and Eastern Germany. Haase has been working as a dpa correspondent in Brussels since 2014 and was primarily responsible for the EU's foreign, security, and trade policy and NATO. Before that, he had already spent six years in Paris as France correspondent for Germany's largest news agency.

"With Ansgar Haase, an experienced investigative journalist is coming to head our Brussels bureau in special times," says dpa editor-in-chief Sven Gösmann. "Recent turmoil, e.g. surrounding the EU Commission's vaccine procurement, has made attentive, critical, and constructive journalism all the more important in Europe and hardly any Brussels journalist stands for this as much as Ansgar Haase," Gösmann emphasizes. Haase can build on the "strong work of Verena Schmitt-Roschmann, who has set high standards in her five years at the head of the Brussels team. Six correspondents work in the Brussels dpa office.

Schmitt-Roschmann will in future strengthen the agency's team of national correspondents for Germany. She will primarily work from Berlin to shed light on the state of German unity and provide an in-depth view, says Gösmann. At the same time, Schmitt-Roschmann will support multimedia teams on the ground as a reporter in major situations. Before her time in Brussels, the journalist headed dpa's AP world news service and is also a book author (“Heimat. Neuentdeckung eines verpönten Gefühls”: "A sense of home. Rediscovery of a frowned-upon feeling").

Ansgar Haase is from Haltern am See (NRW). Before his internship at dpa, he studied media management in Hanover as well as politics, sociology, communication, and media sciences in Düsseldorf. He started his journalistic career at the "Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung" and the "Rheinische Post”.

About dpa:

The German Press Agency (dpa) was founded in 1949 and is one of the world's leading independent news agencies. dpa supplies media outlets, businesses and other organizations with editorial content, including text, photos, videos, graphics, audio and other formats. As an international agency, dpa reports in seven languages. The company has around 1,000 journalists in 150 locations in Germany and abroad. Its shareholders are 177 German media companies. Staff work according to the principles outlined in the dpa statute: independently from ideologies, businesses and governments. The central editing desk, under the leadership of Editor-in-Chief Sven Gösmann, is located in Berlin. The management team, headed by President & CEO Peter Kropsch, is based in Hamburg. The Chairman of the Board is David Brandstätter (Main-Post GmbH, Würzburg).

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dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
Jens Petersen
Leiter Konzernkommunikation
Phone: +49 40 4113 32843


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