
New certifications for the aircraft engine CENTURION 2.0 increase market potential in the USA


Lichtenstein/Saxony (euro adhoc) -

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air transport/Aviation
The installation of the kerosene
piston aircraft engine Centurion 2.0 in different models of the 
Cessna 172 series, has now also been certified in the USA. On March 
12, 2007 Thielert Aircraft Engines GmbH received the official 
certification document from the U.S.-American Federal Aviation 
Administration (FAA), thereby once again significantly expanding the 
sales potential for modern kerosene piston aircraft engines in the 
U.S. market.
In Europe, the installation of the fuel-saving Centurion 2.0 in the 
Cessna 172, from American as well as French production, has already 
been certified since the fall of 2006. This has now been followed by 
the March 12, 2007 U.S. supplemental type certification of the 
Centurion 2.0 for installation in the Cessna production series 172 F 
to S and F 172 F to P. The Cessna 172, also known under the name 
"Skyhawk", is the best sold light aircraft in the General Aviation 
sector and has a total fleet number of 40,000 aircraft worldwide.
"The current additional certifications are contributing to a 
significant increase in our sales potential in the USA," explains 
Frank Thielert, CEO of Thielert Aircraft Engines GmbH. "At 
approximately 75 percent, the North American market is the largest 
regional market," adds Thielert. Due to its robust design and good 
flight qualities, the Cessna 172 is deployed mainly all in the area 
of pilot training. "Especially flight schools and clubs can 
particularly benefit from the use of our state-of-the-art aircraft 
engines. They significantly reduce operating costs and thus the costs
for flying lessons as well."
The FAA certifications are of particular importance on the world 
aviation market, since they are acknowledged by most countries in 
Africa and Asia without further intensive testing. These countries 
also represent important markets for Thielert. This is because the 
availability of leaded aviation gasoline (avgas) for conventional 
engines is extremely limited; the Centurion engines are fueled with 
kerosene, the standard aviation fuel, and are thus not affected by 
the scarcity of avgas.
More Service
In the process of expanding the worldwide service center network, 
four additional fixed based operators (FBO) - Propel Aviation 
Services, LLC, Superior Mods (Midwest Corporate Aviation), Van Nuys 
Flight Center und West Valley Flying Club - are among those which 
have been added in the USA. Furthermore, service centers in Germany, 
Finland, France, Portugal as well as Belize, Ecuador, Columbia and 
Jordan have been added. "We are pleased that we are able to offer our
customers an even denser network of competent partners and thus even 
more service," says Jasper M. Wolffson, Head of Sales & Services at 
Thielert. This brings the number of FBO operations belonging to the 
worldwide service center network to 177.
end of announcement                               euro adhoc 22.03.2007 13:58:52

Further inquiry note:

Sebastian Wentzler
Head of Corporate Communication
Telefon: +49(0)40/696950-35

Branche: Machine Manufacturing
ISIN: DE0006052079
WKN: 605207
Index: SDAX, CDAX, Prime All Share, Classic All Share
Börsen: Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse / official dealing/prime standard
Börse Berlin-Bremen / free trade
Hamburger Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Baden-Württembergische Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Börse Düsseldorf / free trade
Bayerische Börse / free trade


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