
KfW IPEX-Bank finances 'green' Logistics Centre of REWE Group in Neu-Isenburg, Germany


Frankfurt am Main (ots) -

   - Funds to come from KfW Energy Efficiency Programme
   - Lower carbon emissions to benefit the environment

KfW IPEX-Bank is providing the food retailer REWE Group with a EUR 125 million loan from the KfW Energy Efficiency Programme to build a new environment-friendly logistics centre in Neu-Isenburg south of Frankfurt.

With this loan KfW IPEX-Bank is again supporting a strategically important logistics project of REWE Group. The investment is a cornerstone of the group's environmental management programme to achieve significant carbon reductions. The central location of the new warehouse and resulting transport route optimisation, as well as the high energy efficiency of the actual building with its automated logistics facilities, will help minimise environmental impacts. The modern building will meet the latest construction, engineering and technical standards and will achieve energy savings of more than 30% com-pared to conventional buildings.

Slated for completion in 2014, the new warehouse will deliver dry food and non-food items to food markets across Germany.

"We especially support projects that benefit the environment and the climate. The tailor-made financing solution for our long-standing customer is our way of assisting REWE Group with its consistent, environmentally responsible logistics reorganisation," said Markus Scheer, member of the Management Board of KfW IPEX-Bank, at the signing of the loan agreement. REWE Group is one of Germany's and Europe's leading trade and tourism groups and has more than 323,000 employees.

Pictures of the project are available on the homepage of KfW IPEX-Bank in the press section under "press material".

About KfW IPEX-Bank

Within KfW Bankengruppe, KfW IPEX-Bank GmbH is in charge of international project and export finance. Its function of providing financing to support the German and European economy is derived from the legal mandate of KfW Bankengruppe. Its prime focus is on medium and long-term lending to support the export economy and develop economic and social infrastructure, and for environmental and climate protection projects. It operates as a legally independent group subsidiary and contributes significantly to the promotional mission of KfW Bankengruppe. It has around 590 employees and is represented in the key economic and financial centres around the globe.


KfW IPEX-Bank GmbH, Palmengartenstraße 5-9, 60325 Frankfurt
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