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BASF Podcast: Plant Health - Fit with Fungicides

Ein Audio

  • 21_BASF_Podcast_Innovation_en_Fungicides.MP3
    MP3 - 10,9 MB - 11:49

Ludwigshafen (ots)

In this podcast you will learn how innovative
fungicides from BASF help to improve plant health.
In the agricultural industry plant diseases such as fungal attacks
can seriously damage the production of foodstuffs. And according to 
estimates, more than 40% of the crop yields that are theoretically 
achievable are lost because of threats such as plant diseases, 
bacteria and viruses, as well as from environmental impacts like 
drought. This is the motivation that drives the researchers at BASF 
to develop new approaches and solutions to combat these problems. The
means they employ against these fungal attacks are the so-called 
BASF Corporate Communications started a regular bilingual Podcast 
service in April 2007 to report on BASF's innovations and research 
and development activities in an easy-to-understand, informative and 
entertaining way.
Listen to the audio reportage with Dr. Philipp Lane (Director 
Global Research Fungicides at  BASF), Dr. Matthias Bratz (Senior 
Research Manager in Formulation Development at BASF), Amber Shirley, 
Ph.D. (Senior Technical Specialist, BASF Crop Protection, USA), 
Marco-Antonio Tavares-Rodrigues (Research and Development Manager for
Fungicides, BASF Latin America).
Podcast Chemistry of Innovations, English editions:
Direct subscription via RSS-Feed or iTunes (search for "basf"):
More information:
BASF - Crop Protection - global website
BASF - Crop Protection - Fungicides
BASF - Crop Protection - News
More podcasts:
Podcast - The Chemical Reporter:
In these entertaining weekly episodes our Chemical Reporter answers 
questions on Chemistry in our everyday life. This week's edition: Why
does caffeine have a stimulating effect?
The use of the audio material is royalty-free when naming the 
source. We appreciate information on the use to
BASF is the world's leading chemical company: The Chemical 
Company. Its portfolio ranges from chemicals, plastics and 
performance products to agricultural products, fine chemicals as well
as oil and gas. As a reliable partner BASF helps its customers in 
virtually all industries to be more successful. With its high-value 
products and intelligent solutions, BASF plays an important role in 
finding answers to global challenges such as climate protection, 
energy efficiency, nutrition and mobility. BASF posted sales of more 
than EUR62 billion in 2008 and had approximately 97,000 employees as 
of the end of the year. BASF shares are traded on the stock exchanges
in Frankfurt (BAS), London (BFA) and Zurich (AN). Further information
on BASF is available on the Internet at
Editorial contact:
Contact for Podcast:
For the UK:
BASF plc
Chris Wilson
Corporate Communications
Phone: +44-161-488-5616
Fax: +44-161-488-4133
For the US: 
BASF Corporation
Betsy Arnone
Corporate Communications
Phone: +1 973 245-7865 
Fax: +1 973 245-6714
For Europe:
Rainer Mueller-Mueffelmann
Corporate Innovation Communications
Phone: +49 621 60-41040
Fax: +49 621 60-20548
Contact for fungicides related questions:
Jana Goedicke
BASF Crop Protection Division
Phone: +49 621 60-28261

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